So, if you’re looking forward to knowing how to remove an admin from a Facebook group, you need to understand certain things.  This guide discusses the steps in detail on removing admin from Facebook and other relevant concepts relating to the topic. However, it’s important to note that only an admin can remove an admin or moderator role from a group member. So, stay tuned as we kick things off!

Roles of a Facebook Admin

Admins of Facebook groups have the ability to change a group’s description, settings, and tags. Admins can also delete posts and ban or expel users from the group if required.

Why Remove an Admin From a Facebook Group?

There are a few reasons you might want to remove an admin from your Facebook group. Maybe they’re no longer active in the group, or perhaps you don’t get along with them. Whatever the reason, removing someone from their admin position is pretty straightforward. Remember that if you deprive someone of their admin status, they will no longer be able to delete members or other admins, add admins, or change the group’s settings. Also, note that you cannot remove an admin if they are the owner of the Facebook group.

How To Remove an Admin From a Facebook Group?

Only admins have the power to remove an admin in a group. So, if you’re looking forward to removing an admin from a Facebook group, you must be an admin in the group. Here are the steps to follow:


There you have it, a quick and easy way to remove an admin from a Facebook group. As you can see, the steps are pretty straightforward. Let’s do a recap! To remove a group admin, open the group and tap on the group’s name. After that, choose “See All” next to “Members.” Choose the admin name and  hit “Remove as an admin.” Having followed these steps accordingly, you’re good to go.

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